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What can Technologists learn from the History of the Internet?


The history of the Internet is brief, even in relation to a human lifetime.  Yet it has changed so much and proliferated so rapidly that its history is often unfamiliar to the new generation of technologists.  This talk will suggest a few insights into the nature of Internet technologies that can be learned from the past, and that may be useful in developing the future.  An important point is that we must learn not only from the successes of the past but also from the failures; perhaps even more so from the failures especially since they tend to get ignored and overlooked.

About Professor Sandhu:
Ravi Sandhu is founding Executive Director of the Institute for Cyber Security at the University of Texas San Antonio, where he holds Lutcher Brown Endowed Chair in Cyber Security.  He is an ACM, IEEE and AAAS Fellow and inventor on 30 patents.  He has received several awards from ACM, IEEE, NIST and NSA.  He is past Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, past founding Editor-in-Chief of ACM Transactions on Information and System Security and a past Chair of ACM SIGSAC.  He founded the ACM CCS, SACMAT and CODASPY confernces, and has been a leader in numerous other security research conferences.  His research has focused on security models and architectures, including the role-based and attribute-based access control models, and their applications in cloud, mobile and social computing.  His papers have over 32,000 Google Scholar citations including over 7,500 for his seminal role-based access control paper.

Lots of papers etc are available at

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Sprecher und Gäste

Professor Ravi Sandhu
Institute for Cyber Security (ICS), University of Texas at San Antonio

Prof. em. Dr. Klaus Mainzer
Lehrstuhl für Philosophie und Wissenschaftstheorie, TUM

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Manfred Broy
Zentrum Digitalisierung.Bayern

Niklaus Waser
VP Watson IoT Europe & Watson IoT Center Munich, IBM

Moderation: Professor Dr. Alexander Pretschner
Professor für Software Engineering, Technische Universität München und Wissenschaftlicher Direktor, fortiss



18:00 – ca. 19:00 Vortrag

What can Technologists learn from the History of the Internet?

ca. 19:00 – 20:00 Diskussion

When building technologies, which mistakes do we need to anticipate?


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