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Ringvorlesung: Hybrid artificial intelligence

In Zusammenarbeit mit dem bidt veranstaltet die Fakultät für Informatik der Technischen Universität München eine öffentliche Ringvorlesung zum Thema Digitalisierung. Betrachtet werden soll das Thema aus der Perspektive unterschiedlicher Disziplinen, um so ein übergreifendes und interdisziplinäres Verständnis der Materie zu erzielen.


Öffentliche Ringvorlesung Sommer 2021

Prof. Dr. Ute Schmid (Universität Bamberg)

Hybrid artificial intelligence — Integrating learning and reasoning to avoid the data engineering bottleneck

17. Mai 2021, 16:15-17:45 Uhr
via Zoom


Currently, artificial intelligence (AI) is often used synonymous with data-intensive deep learning. Some decades ago, knowledge-based approaches were dominant and the nearly exclusive focus on methods dealing with explicit knowledge caused an AI winter. Researchers had to acknowledge that there is a knowledge engineering bottleneck because a significant part of human knowledge is implicit, that is, not accesible to introspection and not verbalizable. Today, on the other hand, machine learning is sometimes applied even if explicit knowledge is available.

However, a growing number of researchers and practicioners recognize that an exclusive focus on machine learning is neither plausible nor practical. In specialized domains, such as quality control in industrial manufactoring or medical diagnosis, providing correctly labelled data in an amount necessary to train deep networks is either very expensive or even impossible. To avoid a new AI winter due to the data engineering bottleneck, it is proposed to combine approaches which allow explicit reasoning with knowledge and machine learning. In the talk, I will present the basic ideas of both knowledge-based AI and machine learnig and present examples to illustrate how both can be combined into hybrid systems, reconciling the explicit and the implicit perspective on intelligence.


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