Blog: Digitalisation Research and Network Meeting


DigiMeet took place virtually on 10 June 2021 with the topic “sustainability in digital transformation: charting new terrain, exploring tensions.” The main purpose of this interdisciplinary event was to provide a forum for early career researchers with a focus on digitalisation-related topics and to inaugurate a collaboration between Weizenbaum Institut, CAIS and bidt.

Blog: Nudge Units and Data-driven Nudging


Nudging as a global trend has been used in the past years to face intractable policy problems. It is considered as particularly useful when conventional policy tools based on hard economic incentives and strict legal requirements have failed. The trend is ongoing, especially since policy makers become interested in using digital tools to influence behaviour.

Blog: Public-Service-Onlineangebote und „internetspezifische Gestaltungsmittel“


Die öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten unterliegen dem gesetzlichen Auftrag der Vielfaltsgewährleistung. Doch wie ist es darum bestellt, wenn auf den Onlineplattformen algorithmische Verfahren und softwarebasierte Selektionen Einfluss auf die Vermittlung der Inhalte nehmen?

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